

How To Power Events In A More Sustainable Way

From live sport to trade shows and festivals, events are a key part of our society. However, they frequently have a significant impact on the environment, generating waste, consuming resources and often neglecting eco-friendly practices.

Today, consumers not only expect, but demand sustainable practices, so the events industry must shift its business model to follow suit.  

But ‘going green’ is not an all or nothing process. 

Rather, the events industry can take a ‘bite size chunk’ approach to decarbonisation by making small changes that quickly build up an impact on your net zero balance sheet.  

Here, we’ll look at some sustainable solutions to power your event without sacrificing profitability, and some practical examples from our customers.  

3 Alternative Ways To Power Your Event

Switching to renewable energy sources is one of the easiest ways for event sites to achieve CO2 emission reductions without compromising efficiency.  

Clean power technologies like battery energy storage systems and hydrogen generators are an eco-friendly alternative to replace dirty, noisy, CO2 emitting diesel generators. They don’t require a 100% commitment to renewables, and the fuel and carbon emissions savings along the way are often significant.  

Rental-ready renewable technologies for the events sector include: 

1. Hydrogen Generators

Hydrogen generators use electro-hydrogen fuel cell technology to create an on-demand power source. There’s no emission output, no pollution and zero wastage.  

In the case of EODev’s GEH2, the only output is a little hot water and filtered air, making it the perfect solution for any event where noise and emission output is a consideration.  

The GEH2 delivers clean, consistent power for almost any application that would otherwise rely on a 100kVA diesel generator. Better yet, it can work either as a stand-alone power source, hook up to the grid or a conventional diesel generator to cater for events both on and off the grid. 

In an Australian first, two GEH2 hydrogen generators were deployed at the 2023 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix as a replacement for diesel.  

Throughout the four day event, the units successfully powered the event’s tech hub, food stalls, interactive and demonstrative experiences while only emitting water and a little vapour. Ticketholders were able to enjoy the event grounds without heavy fumes or noisy diesel generators. 

2. Hybrid Power Systems

Hybrid power systems are gaining momentum as a low-emission, efficient and economically viable alternative to 100% diesel reliance. They use a combination of renewable and non-renewable energy sources to generate power. Popular configurations include:

  • BESS + Diesel/Hydrogen Generator
  • BESS + Generator + Solar
  • BESS + Solar

In an optimal configuration, a battery energy storage system (BESS) like the POWR2 POWRBANK acts as the primary source of power on your event site. A small diesel generator accompanies the BESS to charge the unit when the battery depletes. This cuts generator runtime from 24/7 to just a few hours a day, drastically reducing on-site noise pollution, diesel fumes and creates a more comfortable event space for guests.

For a completely zero noise and zero emission option, BESS also pairs with solar. The solar panels charge the battery during the day, allowing it to kick in at night or in cloudy conditions. This setup is ideal for low-load applications like event lighting and signage. 

In a collaboration with Optus Stadium’s Christmas Festival, the POWRBANK was brought in to power the Christmas tree lights and rides. The Christmas tree was powered completely emission-free using a combination of BESS and solar. An additional 45kVA POWRBANK was used alongside a small diesel generator to power rides at the event. 

3. Solar Light Towers

For nighttime events like food markets and festivals, keeping your site well-lit is essential for the safety of patrons.  

Solar light towers are a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to diesel lighting systems. They deliver the same bright, powerful illumination with no emissions, no noise and no ongoing fuel costs.  

Blue Diamond Machinery’s solar light towers easily attach to trailers, so they’re easy to deploy around your event grounds or transport from one site to another. They’re also extremely durable and user friendly, featuring 360° manual mast rotation and high wind resistance. 

Get The Right Advice, Contact Us Today

Blue Diamond Machinery has been powering the industries that power Australia’s economy for over a decade. Now, we’re helping them transition to an emission-free future. 

Whatever stage your business is at, we have the know-how and expertise to recommend the right solution.  

For advice on taking the first steps to reduce your onsite emissions without compromising productivity or efficiency, get in touch with the team today.Â