

Low Emission Off-Grid Power – What Are Your Options?

For too long, Australia’s off-grid construction, mining and agricultural sectors have relied on dirty, noisy and hazardous diesel generators as the primary source of power. But times are changing, and demand for low or zero emission power solutions is booming.

Here, we’ll give you a rundown of some popular off-grid clean power solutions helping decarbonise Australia’s largest industries. 

4 Low & Zero Emission Off-Grid Power Solutions

1. Battery Energy Storage Systems

energy storage systems

Battery energy storage systems (or BESS) are playing a key role in decarbonising Australia’s off-grid mining, construction and events industries. Acting as a standalone replacement for diesel generators or integrating into a hybrid power system, BESS capture, store and supply power using lithium-ion battery technology.  

Units like the POWR2 POWRBANK work seamlessly alongside your existing generator fleet. Serving as the primary source of power, the POWRBANK cuts generator runtime from 24/7 to a few hours a day and drastically reduces on-site noise and CO2 emissions.  

The POWRBANK was used to power the WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnel construction site in Sydney. After just 3 months, it reduced diesel consumption on the site by 70% and cut generator noise pollution by 75%. 

Even better, the POWRBANK can also pair with renewable energy sources like solar or our GEH2 hydrogen generator for a completely zero-emission off-grid power solution. 

2. Hydrogen Generators

Hydrogen generators are designed to supplement or completely replace diesel or gas gensets in mobile, prime or standby applications. They use pure hydrogen to create an on-demand power source – there’s no emission output, no pollution and zero waste.   

Australia’s first hydrogen generator, the GEH2 hydrogen generator is the only generator that’s been packaged in a way that’s portable, robust and designed for use in rental, mining and construction industries. It combines a Toyota fuel cell and state of the art lithium-ion battery to produce 80kW of clean, quiet power. 

The GEH2 is built to withstand Australian conditions and will comfortably power almost any application that would otherwise rely on a 100kVA diesel generator. Working either as a standalone unit or alongside a diesel generator, it’ll power off-grid applications such as: 

  • Construction sites 
  • Mine sites 
  • Outdoor events and concerts 
  • Environmentally sensitive sites 

In an Australian first, Blue Diamond Machinery supplied 2x GEH2’s as a replacement for diesel at the 2023 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix. The units successfully powered the event’s Tech Hub and food stalls while only emitting water and a little vapour. Ticketholders could enjoy the event grounds without heavy diesel fumes or noisy generator engines. 

3. Hybrid Power Systems

Hybrid power systems are an emerging low-emission technology in off-grid construction, mining and agricultural industries. They use a combination of renewable and non-renewable energy sources to generate a reliable, more efficient power supply. Popular configurations include: 

  • BESS + Diesel/Hydrogen generator 
  • BESS + Generator + Solar 
  • BESS + Solar 

Replacing diesel generators with a BESS as the primary source of power, hybrid power systems cut generator run time from 24/7 to just a few hours a day (if that). The result is fewer CO2 emissions, less noise and longer generator lifespan. 

Implementing a hybrid power system is one of the simplest ways to build up an impact on your net zero balance sheet. They don’t require a 100% commitment to clean technologies, and the OpEx savings through fewer maintenance and refuelling intervals are often significant.  

During the construction of Whiteman Park Train Station, a hybrid power system was used to power up a 200 person compound onsite. The project successfully replaced a 100kVA generator running 24/7 to an efficient hybrid power solution with almost 100% push through on renewable energy. 

4. Solar Farms

5B Maverick Solar System

Either working on their own or integrating as part of a hybrid power system, solar farms are ideal for powering off-grid applications like mines, remote communities and power plants with minimal carbon footprint. 

The 5B Maverick Solar System is an Australian made 48-50 kilowatt ground mount solar array. Its dense, compact layout generates up to 98% more power per hectare than traditional axis tracking or fixed tilt solar PV systems.  

The 5B Maverick is purpose built to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh conditions of remote Australian environments. It’s a safe, cost-effective and rapidly deployable solution for a wide range of commercial, industrial and large-scale solar applications.  

Get The Right Advice, Contact Us Today

Blue Diamond Machinery has been powering the industries that power Australia’s economy for over a decade. Now, we’re helping them transition to an emission-free future. 

Whatever stage your business is at, we have the know-how and expertise to recommend the right solution.  

For advice on taking the first steps to reduce your onsite emissions without compromising productivity or efficiency, get in touch with the team today.